The Girl From Monday &
The Book of Life
This new two-disk Blu-ray set also includes the short art video pieces from the 1990s: NYC 3/94, Sisters of Mercy, The Other Also, and The New Math(s). It also has a 46-page full color book of images and notes I made over the years about shooting video back when it didn’t look anything like film.
Subtitles: English, French, German, Japanese, Spanish
Includes The Making of The Girl From Monday
NOTE: Some of the motion pictures included on these disks were recorded in pre-digital formats and all of them were produced in pre-HD formats. We have attempted to preserve the qualities of the original works. But the high-definition format may reveal limitations in the original material.
And Begin Again
New music including tunes intended for the feature film Where to Land
Where to Land
and other screenplays
Includes the feature film screenplay for Where to Land
and the screenplays for Meanwhile, A/Muse, Apologies, and Accomplice
ISBN: 978-1-7321817-6-2
Perfect Bound Paperback, 188 pages
Dimensions: 5” x 8”
A Japanese language version including only Where to Land will be available later in 2021